8 second exposure

First lie-in in forever today!  We didn't even sleep in particularly late (about 8am), but it was just a joy to wake up without an alarm.  Got up relatively slowly, then Tim popped out to collect a parcel from the Post Office - and then I went out to trawl around the charity shops for fabric/a chest of drawers for our bedroom.  Came home empty handed, so spent much of the afternoon looking online instead.

Got my sewing machine out late afternoon and had a go at making a cushion cover in some old fabric I already had.  It worked!  I was very excited.  Just need to get the right fabric now :)

Had a play with my other new toy tonight - the macro lens Tim bought me for my birthday.  Love it!  I had an idea of photographing the inside of the watch, but when I took the back off it wasn't actually all that exciting in there - so I turned it over and did some long exposures instead.  

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