Kleine Weteringmolen, Streefkerk, Molenwaard, ZH

'Kleine' = 'small', 'weteringmolen' = 'watermill'

Streefkerk used to have at least 6 windmills, five of which were part of a system wherein the windmills worked together to pump excess water out of the polder and back into the river.  The river was on a much higher level.  Don't forget that about 50% of the country is below sea level so windmills actually helped enormously with land reclamation.  Of course, these days, they no longer need to work so hard, if at all, since we now have modern pumps of all sizes to do the job and do it faster.  There is also a 'Grote Weteringmolen', or 'Large Watermill', behind me, also part of the system, and the extra shot shows 'De Achtkant', or 'The Octagon', yet another windmill that used to help clear this particular area.  There were a total of 5 windmills here.  Now, only the 'Kleine Weteringmolen' and 'De Achtkant' are still standing.  'De Liefde' windmill shot last Wednesday is the 6th one but is not part of this particular system.  The 'Grote' has been under renovation for the past 8 years or so, according to a couple of local cyclists.  It is asking for donations to help complete the job.

I decided to come here because the weather has been forecasted to change again tomorrow afternoon and continue that way till Monday.  I will be working 5 days next week and will not have much time, or much good weather, to detour here either before or after my work.

Other news for the blog --
1  The sollicitor in Breda has written hubby's siblings to start seriously considering final settlement of their late mother's estate, especially the eldest brother who managed to get more than two lions' shares even while their parents were still living.  No response within 5 days will mean getting the official summons ... and more legal fees for him.
2  Bro-in-law J and his wife dropped by today and enjoyed viewing our Philippine shots and nibbling on some of our Philippine cookies! ... courtesy of yet another cousin whose son is my godson.  Yup, the ellaphant once had about 8 godchildren, of whom only 2 are still in touch.  They brought along some homegrown veggies and hubby now has enough for about a week.
3  I have a slightly sore throat due to the a/c at work ... bah!  Was hoping not to have to wear a scarf yet as it is too early in the year, I think.

THANK YOU for visiting yesterday!  I hope you are having a good weekend!

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