Dog Poo!

It was Minsky Moo's 6th birthday today (she is my beautiful God daughter) so her parents threw a Peter Pan Party for loads of kids. It was so well organised it put the Olympics to shame.

I was on camera duty, definitely not being "crazy". I was sorely tempted to Blip her Dad dressed as Captain Hook but couldn't not Blip the birthday girl. I wanted to get a lovely sweet shot to look back on fondly, but this will have to do. Her favourite present of the day. Some dog poo.

Special mention also to the Mrs' "Pop Cakes" (cakes on sticks, aka "Chocolate Kebabs") which were delicious and very much appreciated by MM (she ate 4!).


My blipping form has been poor for more than long enough now. I have been shooting but not uploading. I am attempting to fill in my gaps, and I will get there (probably) but I intend to be a more present Blip citizen going forward...

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