Last day . . . .
Drove to Lordenshaws, up on the moors south of Rothbury, to see the ancient cup and ring marks carved on the rocks. Not a lot is really known about them, but they are certainly very old! We had a lovely walk through the heather, along part of St Oswald's Way, to the sound of grouse shouting at us to "go back, go back"! They make a wonderful whirring noise as they take flight.
Terrific views from up there, Northumberland is a beautiful place, especially when it's sunny and the heather is all in bloom.
Lunch in the cyclist's cafe in Elsdon - a tiny little place crammed full of cycling memorabilia, including two cyclists! It's a very small and pretty village but has a grim past, with a bear baiting post, a cock fighting pit and a gibbet, but thankfully none are in use any more . . .
Home to Rothbury, tea of all the bits and pieces left in the fridge, then started packing for the journey home tomorrow. We shall miss this place.
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