The Woolshed

This is on the side of the Mount Iron track and is still in occasional use by the smell of things. 
The big door is where morning tea goes in and the little doors are where the sheep come out minus their woolly bits.  

We had a really interesting wander over the mountain today and The Boss kept meeting folk and I whinged as usual to no avail. 
It is disappointing that the Boss does not accept that standing chatting is NOT walking so I feel it my duty to worry about his health and get him moving as I have a busy schedule to keep. I am a Terrier. I don’t do “wander”  I do action stuff. Well I would if I could convince The Boss to unhitch this lead but he has unfortunately had far too many folk approach him at the bottom of the mountain and say “Have you seen a dog?”  So I remain attached.

It is all the rabbits fault.

I generally ignore rabbits (as trained by The Boss) but actually this is a bit of a teaser as I am on lead when I do this and it is good to lull him into a sense of false security. It hasn’t worked yet but it will….it will.  

Oh...and "Woof"  to the lovely "Authoritative" lady that we met near the car park.
Please note...I didn't whinge then.....Right?
One should always know which side your dog biscuits are buttered on.

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