Hoy (Day 115)

There was much excitement on the morning wander up the hill today. The dogs leapt out the van and dived in amongst the undergrowth. Sigyn emerged seconds later carrying her breakfast. A rabbit she had managed to catch. She wandered over to show me what she had caught and I took a pic of my proud little wolfy. After discussions, she grudgingly left the rabbit by the path so we could collect it on the way home. Once home the rabbit was consumed within half an hour.
The rest of my morning was spent working out a quote for a bathroom re-fit. The customer wants costings down to the last penny. It is a difficult and tedious job to do as there will be unexpected problems along the way. I have done my best.
After lunch the dogs and I went to Brodgar again, where they ran around like idiots looking for more rabbits. I enjoyed the sunshine.
It is an earlier blip today, filling in time whilst waiting for my beautiful wife to come home from work. We are off for dinner with my folks this evening.
The extra pic today is my dog and her breakfast.

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