Pit stop

A regular feature of the last couple of days is waiting for Will to sort out his shoe laces. He is about 50 times better than he was on Friday though so good progress is being made.

We went to Brighton to meet my mum and dad for a spot of Sunday lunch. We went on the train as the roads to Brighton have not been good all week due to the airshow crash. Everyone else had the same idea, the trains were heaving and we all looked out of the windows at glimpse of near empty roads. By the time we got there we were a bit hot and bothered, we abandoned a further attempt to get school shirts for Daisy when the till lady said it would take a bit of time for her to sort out the stock room. The internet will do us. A very fine roast beef lunch though, I am a little full and have no further plans for the day aside from a little lie down and some telly.

Dog naming discussions have reached somewhat of heated climax. I dont care as long as it is an actual name and not Patch or Snuffles. Will basically likes everything I like, Daisy and Jay disagree with everything. I have told them (D and J) to sort it out and agree on something that fits in with my one rule. If they cant do it by tomorrow I am just going to call him David Millar and be done with it.

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