Something and nothing

Determined, after yesterday's nothingness that today might possibly include at least something, this afternoon I wandered around campus with camera, driven out of my unbearably hot and humid attic flat when the fans no longer brought a breeze - the builders on site (creating a new student centre and cafeteria) had cut through the electricity mains supply to my apartment building.............  

I walked my usual trail without satisfactory photographic result and sat in the garden to contemplate what to do, unwilling to go up several flights of stairs to the sauna that is 'home', when this early Autumn leaf drifted down and landed on the table beside me, bathed in afternoon sunshine.  Blip. 

Oh, and today is Victory Day in Turkey. Main school building is suitably festooned, (extra) photographed later, during another, later, stroll. Electricity restored mid-afternoon.  Yesterday afternoon there was no power to Cinar building and other faculty housing.  Same cause.  Such incidents often rationalised as  "Burası Türkiye' (This is Turkey) .

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