Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Gabri and the rocket.

Gabri the hydrofoil makes several trips back and forth the local island each day.
This afternoon as we were at anchor, below deck, having a snooze, there was the most terrible honking sound, getting ever closer and recognizably coming from one of the hydrofoils. 
We had just enough time to poke our heads out of the port holes to the see the vessel sweep by at an almost unsafe distance. 

The engineer yelled from the bridge at us, telling us to get out of his way as we were in the port entrance channel. 

I think he had just had a very tring  day and wanted to vent his spleen on someone as we  were not where he said we were and he had gone unusually close to land.

He revved up the engines to show how furious he was, resulting in all  the black smoke.

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