A Matthew A Day

By MatthewAndMummy


A pack of multicoloured tissue paper and a pair of scissors kept Matthew amused for ages this morning but boy did it make a mess.

We headed into town so I could visit the emergency dentist (infection cleaned out and I have antibiotics and am feeling much better) while Mike and Matthew played at yet another new to us rec. I wonder how long until we've visited every playground within a 5 mile radius?

Then on to the shops to ride the lift and escalator in John Lewis and lunch out, and another more familiar playground while I went to the chemist. Bit of a meltdown on the way home as Matthew declared it to be bedtime about half way and demanded milk all the rest of the way home - and went out like a light when we arrived. But when we finally roused him from his nap he was moderately cheerful and after tea he agreed to a bath which he enjoyed and we had a late bedtime. Goodness knows what time to expect him up in the morning :)

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