
Up and out with our guests for a morning walk to the woods and up The Hill, somewhere we'd never been before with them, I think they were quite impressed. Home for bacon rolls and then I took young Master Prime into town and put him on the train back down south - I didn't well up and get all emotional but I did feel very excited for him as he's off to start university in a couple of weeks at Sheffield (where I was a student too many years ago) - good luck to that man!

Took advantage of a wee bit of solo time to check out the Charles Avery exhibition at the Ingleby and also just caught his 'tree' at Waverley Station on the last day of its stay. Met up with everyone else to walk down the Royal Mile and watch a bit of street theatre of very mixed quality. The image shown here actually features both my girls and the visiting misterprime rather enjoying a very funny magic show in Hunter Square that culminated in the twenty-pound-note-appearing-in-a-piece-of-fruit trick.

Food out and then whilst some of the party went home the rest of us decamped to The Playhouse for Sufjan Stevens. Got to say it was absolutely stunning. I've been a fan of his for years (and I even did my own Sufjan photo in the very early days of my blip 'career') and he really can do no wrong in my book. I've seen him a couple of times before, both very different from each other, and tonight was very different again. I'll say no more except that I loved it.

All Of Me Wants All Of You

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