A walk in the Marais, Paris

In the Marais you have to expect the unexpected.

Two photos here, I may be tempted to add some more later...

Photo 1

Perhaps this is a descendant of Jules Verne, with admixtures of H G Wells, Heath Robinson and the mechanised animals of Nantes.  The tricycle and its propeller were both in motion.

Photo 2:

This was an amazing, purely accidental discovery: I had no idea at all of its existence beforehand!  A late medieval "hotel" - or grandiose residence - on the north bank of the Seine, with a delightful period garden.  This was once the residence of the bishop of Sens, a town to the south east of Paris.  It is one of the oldest residential buildings in Paris.  When built, it was in open countryside.

For a short period after the annulment of her marriage to Henri IV it was the home of Queen Margaret of France - la Reine Margot - one of the more colourful characters in French history and the subject of several historical novels; the film (based on the Dumas novel) starring Isabelle Adjani is fascinating but definitely not for the squeamish.

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