Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Spread a little happiness

Even when the darkest clouds are in the sky you mustn't sigh and you mustn't cry, spread a little happiness as you go by, please try..What's the use of worrying and feeling blue when days are long keep on smiling through...spread a little happiness as you go by.

That's just what Roos done today, this morning we did a trip out to the children's hospice and met lots of kids who just loved cuddling and stroking Roo( I can't put pictures on sorry) but I can assure you they smiled from the moment he walked in until we left.

It was then a mad rush home, quick change for me as I had to get to the theatre as they had the launch for the Christmas panto( yes in June).

I spent the next couple of hours doubled up in fits of laughter at the comedian Brian Conley , his jokes had a very naughty twist, got to meet him and Lesley Joseph from Birds of a Feather after the launch.

Mad dash home changed again, for a trip with Roo to the Star and Garter,residential/nursing home for ex service people, this lady was more than happy to have her photo with us.

Time to rest now me thinks!!!

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