Seed collecting

No, not in the Himalayas, but just in the garden at Arduaine. As we're not able to sell plants as we have Phytophthora in the garden we sell seeds and make a few bob that way. Although we try to keep a good range we sell more of the popular items, such as primula and meconopsis. Sorting and packeting is a good wet weather or winter job.

It's been such a glorious afternoon that I've been out collecting seed of Primula pulverulenta and  Primula japonica - not just the latter species but ''Miller's Crimson' and 'Postford White' too.

Had a fern expert in the garden today - I've been disappointed to find how many ferns are mis-identified, both plants that I've bought from nurseries and those which I've acquired from Botanic Gardens. Several have had their names changed, of course - we have to keep these taxonomists in a job!

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