More hope than expectation!

Tomato! (It's been a dull day so far!)

The largest single tomato plant in the world covers an area of 56m2. And is .... where else? .... Walt Disney World Resort, Florida. It produced over 32,000 tomatoes in the first 16 months after it was planted and holds the record for the most tomatoes in a single year.
It's thought that tomatoes originally came from Peru.
The largest ever tomato on record was picked in Oklahoma, USA, in 1986. It weighed over 3.5kg.
There are around 10,000 varieties of tomatoes worldwide.
The first tomatoes in Europe may originally have been yellow. They were first referred to in writing as 'pomo d'oro', meaning 'golden apple'.

I think ours must be the "perpetually green" variety often found in damp, cold climates.

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