
By JoppaStrand

Porty People and Places

The Festival and Fringe finish today.

I took this blip on my morning run on the sands at very low tide this sunny morning.

Thank you to all those of you kind enough to comment on my three years of continuous  Blipping. I am very appreciative indeed.

I am not leaving Blip, but I have begun a regular, very low key, daily post on another platform.

My consultancy work and voluntary work are taking up more and more  time.

Therefore, I have decided, until such time that Blip shows a return to some sense of community leadership, to become passive Blipper. That means I will continue to post but will not be commenting regularly on others' journals pro tem.

I have noticed many others who used to be much more active on here have done similar - or worse - stopped Blipping altogether.

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