
By mrsc48

Funny but not that funny.

This is big daddy.

He's called big daddy because he is a big daddy.

He's also a very happy daddy. He's 92 years old. He's fathered over 100 babies has another two pregnant as we speak and lives with six females. A HAPPY BIG DADDY!

An adventure today! An education. 2 buses and a taxi to take us to the cocodrillos. We got off at the wrong stop on teenage daughter instructions. We didn't know where we were but teenage daughter was right all along and a taxi took us the final part of our journey. We got to hold one of big daddy's babies. How lucky were we? Not!

The cocodrillos were fed chicken carcasses. Looked better than mine when i cook them.

Highlight of the day apart from seeing big daddy was the lucky lucky man selling a musical donkey and cow shaking their heads. Sooo funny (one of those you have to be there). The gentleman wanted 20 euros. It was funny but not that funny!

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