Change of Plan
We started our trip a day early. Not relishing the prospect of getting up to pack at 4:30 am Tuesday morning -- without electricity -- we decided to leave home on Monday afternoon and stay the night in Seattle.
The power came back on a couple of days earlier than the dire prediction of 6:00 pm Tuesday, but the new arrangements had already been made. Total time without power was about 33 hour, less than the record time of 36 hours.
So, here we are at the Red Lion Hotel, just across the street from the airport terminal. We saw a couple of pilots walking to the hotel with their roll-aboard bags while we having dinner in the adjacent restaurant. It's surprisingly quiet, and I had no idea there was a pond here, even though I've probably passed through the airport a couple of hundred times.
We'll have time for a leisurely breakfast at a civilzed hour tomorrow before our flight. We're looking forward to it, and are glad we changed our schedule.
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