Proper hills

Those of us born in the shadow of the Pennines know that if you stand on a stool anywhere in the south east you can see the sea; it's that flat. However every now and again there's a sign saying that such and such a pimple is a hill so here's a shot of the Surrey Hills near Woking. I don't suppose it helps that I've also lived in Munich which is within spitting distance of the Alps. Strangely enough though this stretch of road reminded me very much of an alpine meadow. It had that lushness and sense of space and colour. It just didn't have snow-capped peaks and the warming Föhn stirring the meadow flowers.

I've spent much of today with either hay-fever or a summer cold ; I'm not sure which but it's the usual streaming eyes and muzzy head. I think it may be Föhnkrank so I'm to me bed shortly to see if it's easier in the morning.

Bis später.

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