
By LadyYakAlot

New Beginnings

Sad day for me, but also happy too. Today my youngest son is leaving the gym I attend. He has been there since November as a Fitness Instructor and in that time he has also got his own PT training going and has been popular with the members. I have enjoyed seeing him every other week as I tackle my morning routine (which he constructed for me) and then sometimes in the evening when I have popped in on my way home. He is leaving to become a Fitness Coach at a rehabilitation centre, and he is buzzing with the excitement of the challenge.
It is a good career move for him and I am happy about that, but selfishly I am going to miss him at the gym! The picture is of his training banner we put up to encourage members to book PT sessions with him. It is being put into ‘storage’ for a bit while he concentrates on working at the new job before looking at and pushing new PT sessions / Boot Camps etc.

So it’s New Beginnings for him … but also me, as I workout without my mentor son! Good luck Mattie ….

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