So there I was, working away preparing my presentation to the new students.  With a bit of luck I’d have it finished and still have time for lunch. Outside of my office a loud noise started booming and I opened the door to see what it was.  It was a deep commanding voice, filling all 5 floors of the library. Leave the building. Leave the building. Leave the building. I got the message!
I looked around, picked up my laptop computer, phone, keys and camera and joined the stream of visitors, staff, and students heading for the exit.  It was a slight pain but at least the weather was sunny. Once outside we all stood around the entrance until two or three colleagues, converted from librarians into “Security” by their dayglo vests, herded us to the collection point a bit away from the library.
After a few minutes sirens were heard and the fire brigade arrived. Ten more minutes and they emerged from the building and we were all allowed back in.  The burning soufle had been dealt with by the cafe staff but not in time to prevent the smoke reaching the detectors.
I missed lunch to get the presentation finalised. It went well.

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