Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Happy September and what a lovely day I've had!

Started with an hours walk with Lili over the country park, she loves sniffing, running and sometimes going her own way!

Then on to WW - ok, we'll skip over that one, apart from saying what a bundle of positivity our leader is and very good at her job.  Line drawn in the sand and focus.

Next into a nearby town, but one I don't normally go to - Camberley.  It has been regenerated over the past few years and has some lovely new shops - I was very good, I did stop for a bit of lunch and just had to pop into Pandora.  Whilst in there I met a friend of mine that I haven't seen for a couple of years (she used to be my boss just under 30 years ago!).  We spent a good half hour catching up (her daughter is getting married this weekend, and she was buying some last minute things).

Back home, some domestic chores .......... and ironing.

Lovely day :)


A couple of extras - love how nature makes it look like a rhododendron produces blackberries; and a lovely close-up of Lili

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