La fete
So today, when I had stored up all my 'town jobs' (going to the bank, post office, etc) for a day when our favourite bakery is open, the fair decided to start set-up a day early. And so the yearly horror of not being able to park starts early. I literally should just walk from home (5km) as it would be just as quick as driving around town exasperatedly and finally parking 10 minutes away.
Anyway, up early to get the kids to school, even though it's not strictly my morning to do so as our Head Teacher has lost something important and I said I would go and help her find it (we didn't, we'll try again). Then shopping made unnecessarily lengthy by the aforementioned parking debacle and a wheelbarrow wheel repairman who oversold and undelivered, timing-wise. Lots more crazy rain today then, this evening, some pals over for nibbles, dinner and more wine than was probably necessary.
Please let the fact that we are away this weekend mean that I am spared the fair for this year...
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