Unexpected fun...

The morning was spent at Asha's new school, sorting paperwork, paying bits and bobs, photocopying documents...then later this evening Asha & I met up with Claire at THE café. Asha insisted on wearing her new ballerina costume from fairy-godmother, Julia....it went down well with everyone at the café! Danny and Marco Longhair joined us later, muchos fun and laughter! Claire & I then went on to an exhibition launch - they've taken classic vinyl covers and added a bit of Ibiza to them (see extras)...ie; Bruce Springsteen's 'The Promise' has been set in the salt flats, U2's 'Joshua Tree' has been set in front of the iconic Es Vedra etc etc... Amazing idea! They also had graffiti artists working live, plus a great DJ...all in all, a great night. Then rounded off by a bit of tapas in a Spanish bar close to home. A perfect evening with a good friend. Plus RAIN today (& tornadoes! Crazy weather!)

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny letting me go off with Claire and being ok with putting Asha to bed on his own etc.
2) Getting a bit more of a feel for Asha's school.
3) Evenings like these, and good friends like Claire.

PS; typo on yesterday's blip - 4,000€ A DAY for the villa!!!! Madness!

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