My 365 Photo Challenge

By Sarahsblips

Those I love most

I love this picture! And I love my brothers! I had such a good night last night! I felt ill but we had such a laugh playing board games and generally catching up with each other :) so relaxing and refreshing to be in a different house I think. Didn't sleep great but had a good breakfast and then went to see dad for lunch with the boys. Then drove to grandma and grandads for a catch up and then to my best friends house. I am so glad that literally as soon as I walked in we just decided to go to our favourite restaurant and go watch a film. To think I was feeling so bad today that I was considering just going home but I need to learn to trust that my friends know me well enough to know when I just need a relaxed night. Laura knew we both just needed food and Tom cruise :) did us the world of good! I love our catch ups so much! It's like a recharge for me. If I go too long without one it doesn't feel right but it's so cathartic when it does happen if that makes sense? She understands about how I feel as she is a fully qualified pharmacist and about to become a fully qualified doctor so she has much medical knowledge! But also knows me very well too :) she is going to make an amazing doctor I just know it!!!

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