September In The Rain .

Out to the Post Office and the heavens opened .On to the bank in more of  the same. Then on to another bank where rain was so bad I was allowed to take my bike indoors.Next off to House Of Fraser  and Lancombe .Anything but ultra elegant in crash helmet and sopping clothes but the beautician and I had a good laugh and I left there somewhat dried out and tidied up ready for my final mission. Off to Upper Brooke Street and Seoul Kimchi .This is a wonderful place where not only  can one buy ingredients for Korean and Japanese Cuisine but take away orders or eating in are possibilities. I decided there and then a reward was due. So much rain , heavy traffic, enormous puddles I'd earned it . Bibimbap was ordered and here you see the steaming hot stone dish of it served with a wonderful soup .This can be stirred in the dish along with  hot chili sauce ..Like food from the Gods it enabled me to ride the journey home .Now a glass of wine ,classical music ---- no cooking indoors for me tonight .

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