Charge of the light brigade

Went for a lovely long walk with Angela. We did the Worston walk ending up at the Calves Head. After going through the first field my feet were wet!!!! I was wearing my new walking boots but they're not waterproof didn't realise. It was very muddy in parts and the grass was long and so my boots and feet got wet. We watched whilst a farmer on his quad bike and his 2 dogs moved these sheep from the field to the farm buildings. Couldn't resist taking photos. It was lovely and sunny, I even took my fleece off. About 5 minutes before the end of our walk it started to rain, not the light rain the weather app said but a lashing downpour. Thankfully it did ease so we got to the pub for our lunch but we were very wet. We had a lovely lunch and did a bit of star spotting 'Hayley' from Corrie was in with who we think was her mum. On my way home I went via winfields and bought a pair of waterproof walking boots. Will test them out over the next few days on my dog walks with Chris and Clover.

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