Echinops in the Dark

Today passed in a whirl of meetings and phone calls, and before I knew it, it was time to head for my train and guess what I missed it by a whisker.  I was cross with myself, but had to quickly get in touch with a friend to ask her to pick BB up from badminton (she was picking her own son up anyway) and thankfully that all worked out – whew!  BB was annoyed with me though – not for missing my train or for being late, but because he hadn’t had time to play, because I had arrived to pick him up just after they had got back. 

I got him home and fed and he was very keen to do his reading, with another couple of surprising new words along the way.  He then practiced his cello, all without too much trouble. 

A blipless day.  Here is an echinops from the garden, captured in the dark.

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