Far, far away
If you know anything about Mississippi State University, you know that Allen Hall is VERY far away from the Poultry Science building next to which I parked today. That means I had quite a bit of hike to class and back. No worries, the weather was quite pleasant, though this walk was on top of the "exercise" walk I took in the morning already.
This week is particularly packed and eventful - LM had his first tennis lesson, we all had the first Cub Scout meeting, I need to compose 2 tests for 2 out of 3 classes I am teaching, and the "regular life" still has to happen (like cleaning the bathroom).
I am feeling it tonight. I was hoping to review the test for tomorrow before I print 50 copies for the students, but it will have to wait till tomorrow morning. My brain is flat-out refusing to cooperate. LM recommends a book he just finished reading, Chasing Vermeer. I don't mind if I do.
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