Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Weed Control, Monkeytown-style

Momentous day here in the forest as the Big Weed (aka the large oak in the front garden) has finally been dealt to.

The Mayor of Monkeytown himself came down and annointed the acorned interloper with his chainsaw, giving the brute a final coupe de grace with a wire rope attached to his digger. Job done.

His Worship started to ring the beast up shortly afterwards, so I snuck out with the camera to grab him giving the weed the whack with the McCulloch. It's fair to say we won't be short of firewood next year!

With the oak down, the light is streaming through to the ground, even though he tree was yet to leaf. It also means that some of the native trees won't be bothered by its reaching branches, nor its progeny sprouting at their feet. 

Just the pesky sycamores to deal to now in the neighbouring block. The kahikateas and matais will be pleased.

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