New day, new puppy

First off, thank you so much for all your kind words yesterday, you are a lovely bunch.

It had been such a crappy week that I decided yesterday I would take today and tomorrow off work. Daisy has kept herself occupied but Will has basically done bugger all since we got back from holiday and I decided that we could spend the last couple days of holiday doing good things. We started off by getting up and going out with Marie and her crowd for breakfast. We sat outside in the sun, it all felt very foreign holiday. Then Will and I popped to Bognor to have a look at some puppies I found last night. Just to have a look and be fully prepared to walk away if they weren't right for us.

But no, there were two little gorgeous girls, we chose one and bought her home. She is called Rosie and is an 8 week old springer spaniel / poodle cross. Some people call that a sproodle, others a mongrel. Basically a slightly taller cockerpoo (another mongrel!)

And she is fabulous. She spent two hours thoroughly exploring everywhere and jumping round with a variety of toys. Then she conked out on Daisy's lap. Then charged round for a bit more and is now having a nap with Will. We have all spent a very pleasant afternoon just laughing at her.

She is so very much the right dog for us. Everyone is happy!

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