New Day, Fresh Start

Today was a better day :-)

I was up at 5:30am this morning. It wasn't too bad surprisingly, as my mind was on overload thinking of all the jobs that needed to be done. I saw the sun rise and it was very peaceful. I enjoyed the quiet and peace in the living room with my tea and the news on.

I was ready by 7am. In fact, I'd tidied up, loaded the dishwasher, sorted the laundry, packed my snacks and made my breakfast smoothie! And then a friend rang me and we had a quick chat.

In short, I got to school at 7:30am, and did loads by myself. It was looking quite good, and I got a bit manic trying to do everything at once!

It was quite a good day by and large. I left early, and was glad to get home. The sissies and I had a random Nashville Sing-Fest at home this evening! One of my sisters plays the guitar, so the three of us sat in the living room for about an hour singing. While Little B chewed his ball :-) It was really nice, and it was lovely to hear our house filled with music like it used to.

After that, it was hair straightening, dinner (veggies again) and a little bit of FaceTime. 

And now I'm pooped! And I should mention that T arrived home today too  :-)

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