
By IntothewildMan

Happy Birthday, Biscuit

It is a chilly wet day here in North Norfolk, an autumnal wind splattering rain at the windows.
Todays paper reports David Cameron as saying that "as a father" he was moved by yesterday's news photos of a three year old Syrian boy who was drowned during an attempted crossing with his refugee family from Turkey to Greece. 
The shocking image certainly seems to have touched and inspired a significant number of citizens and ordinary folk in this country to raise funds and mount small scale acts of aid and support. It is shameful to reflect on how shabbily and defensively the British Government has reacted to the immigrant and refugee crisis - which has been highlighted in the media all summer. A petition raised well over 200,000 U.K. signatures in under a couple of days calling on the Government to take more effective and supportive action to assist the refugees...people are still adding to it. My hunch is that it is the growing groundswell of citizen humanitarian action and discontent - in a context in which the leaders of other European countries have acted more swiftly and positively - that has led to a sudden change in Conservative policy. I suspect Mr Cameron was moved just as much as a pragmatist and a PR man to take appears the Government has been shamed and forced into making a face-saving political gesture, rather than having planned it from a humanitarian viewpoint. I suppose better something than nothing, but without the compassionate action of a lot of ordinary folk I doubt much would have happened.

Other news closer to home: I finally cut the hedge and hoovered the house, worked for a few hours. It's cold enough to light the wood burning stove already.
And it is the fifth birthday our dear cat, Biscuit. I have taken dozens of pictures of her over the years but this is my favourite. You will have to forgive the indulgence - I know Blip is meant to be a photo taken the same day. This was taken in July 2013. The little rascal to the right is one of her kittens, the six week old Billy.

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