Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


Excuse my language but it was freaking HOT out there today!

Just FEEL IT in large!

Go ahead, ask me. How hot was it?

Must have been 180F!!! (Uhmmm...106F)

It was so hot I drove to Madera Canyon to elevate myself by two thousand feet to cool off and still went through seven bottles of water.

It was so hot that I parked illegally in the campgrounds just to get half of my car in the shade because my National Park Pass was melting on the dashboard.

It was so hot I hung out for an hour in the gift shop under the blowing air conditioner to try to squelch the sweating. Then she threw me out because it was closing time. Back out into the 400F car.

It was so hot that I lost the hitch in my giddy-up.

It was so hot that I had to get a towel out of my car to open my steel front door.

It was so hot that I ran out of cold water in 30 seconds...the pipes run through the ceiling.

It's going to be 300F on Thursday! (Uhmmm...109F)

I can't wait.

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