and through the wire...

By hesscat

T'Vinyl Dinner

Normally a Friday's night dinner is spent watching a film with oor tea, ken, it's Friday like, unlike aw' the ither days, aye?

Since our records were pulled out the other day, we spent a couple of hours listening to them. Ms H, who had never operated or listened to these old fangled things, was loving it, even the pops. On Wednesday I had explained it like a "special thing" and now she could see what I meant. It was so much fun, we had our tea with Reggatta de Blanc, side A.

Then we watched "In A World"... haha, what a hoot, recommended! Yes, it's a voice over plot.

BTW... I remember when I switched to CDs... I couldn't wait and never looked back, until now. Maybe my record player back then was not up to much then and CD massively improved quality... oh and it was a new gadget. It's quite amazing it is still here, I think 30 years since CD?

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