Tarawera Times

By Megl

Fun, fun, fun

A full day at Sally's workshop today and have we had fun. The 14 on the workshop have had smiles on their faces all day. After a morning presentation by Sally we set off around the Arts Village in Rotorua to "play" and put the inspiration we got from Sally into practice.
In camera multiple exposure was a favourite as none of us have really played with it before. We all shared some of our images and just amazing to see what people came up with.

My shot was taken as a double exposure, this was the colour that came out of camera after taking one shot of a branch, and the second of an orange knitted shape. Just a few tweaks with contrast and exposure.

Roll on tomorrow and another full but fun day.

....sorry a bit short of time at the moment, but thanks so much for your stars and comments.

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