Evening light

I had a great day in the garden today. We have a circular garden in the back yard which is about 3 metres across with a golden robinia in it. It had an overgrown hedge of English Box which was past it's use by date and came out a month ago when Bob had the chainsaw out. Today I put in 3 barrows of home made compost, circa 2014, three snapdragons, three lavenders, 2 Gazania, 2 daisies, 2 dahlias, petunias which I bought and a heap of plants I have propagated including hydrangea, Iris unguicularis, alstroemeria, hebe and penstemon. Oh and more, geranium and some other things. Sounds like a mess doesn't it, what is the theme....flowers all year round. The blip looks a bit sparse with little plants but when I turned around I saw the sun in the trees over the rooftops so it was uploaded instead.

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