How to do it

Yesterday we failed with the market at Carpentras, so it was Apt market this morning instead. We know Apt market and we know how to do it – like the locals do.
*  Get there early – 8.30am.
*  Bag a prime parking space.
*  Go for coffee and croissant and watch the stallholders getting ready
*  Then shop for fruit and vegetables and cheese whilst you can walk round
    freely, knowing that in an hour or so this will not be the case.
*  Second coffee and a trip to the best boulangerie in town, before the
    queues start.
*  Back to the car and home as the tourists arrive.
Of course we are not tourists – we live here!!
And the extra shows what the stalls were full of today.
(Anyone who really wants to know about the 66 sarcophagi, see the reply I gave freespiral on yesterday’s blip.)

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