Sharing cake with Baby

Arrived at swimming baths 1 minute before my lesson (locksmith in the way to get out and other buggies in the way on the bus) and Mummy cut herself putting the stuff in the locker(!) but we made it (Baby admittedly naked) and I had fun with E and E being a crocodile while Mummy and Baby swam in the wee pool. Afterwards we actually swam in the big pool (including Baby, who kept crying because he couldn't get to the ball, but was doing a good job of moving towards it wearing his arm bands and kicking - copying me, I suppose). We had showers (mine was too cold), got dressed and rushed to the cafe so we could have lunch there - hot dogs (1.5 each for me and Baby because we were very hungry), soup and cake. Then we got the bus home (Baby sleeping) and I watched TV lots and we helped Daddy cook (well, Baby mostly poured water everywhere which, come to think of it, is what he'd been doing in the baths cafe). We had a quick play on scooters in the street then lamb and mint sauce and potatoes and vinegar for dinner, a bubble bath, and bed.

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