
Seven years ago, this little girl was so shy that she wouldn't even put up her hand when her name was called out on the register.

Two or three years later, at a parents' evening, her teacher began by saying "Well, of course Abi's the class comedian", which resulted in baffled looks between me and her mum. Our little girl was changing in surprising ways!

Recently she went to the miniMinx's birthday party, unfazed by the fact she would hardly know anyone, and she just slotted straight in: she's gone from being super-shy to having social skills that I'm envious of. Although it must be said that she still doesn't like answering the 'phone.

In her life she's had to take foul concoctions of antibiotics, spent uncomfortable nights in stuffy hospital wards with her mum by her side, and had major surgery. She's taken it all in her stride.

She's compassionate and kind but absolutely uncompromising, for good and, as we are reminded from time to time, bad. And she is very, very funny.

Today, was her first day at secondary school, so I popped up to the house this morning to wish her luck. Her mum, Hannelie, asked her if she wanted to wait for one of her friends to walk along with but Abi was ready to go and apparently not in any need of moral support. A couple of photos, some hugs and kisses, and she was off down the road. Hannelie and I stood on the pavement watching her but she didn't turn back once.

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