
A boring Sunday stripping wall paper while my other blip mates were off on a photo trip turned into a lovely day skiving the wall paper removal and sneaking off for a blip meet with Charlie17 and his wife.

What a lovely afternoon we had visiting secret places around this area. A final stop to find some dragonflies to photograph and we were rewarded with some basking lizards. (Shh I cannot believe he fell for the plastic lizard trick)

This is a young lizard one of several that I had planted earlier posed for us. Great afternoon, thank you very much Charlie for encouraging me to skive the renovation work. I really hope we can meet up again before too long.

Charlies view of the adult

Off now to pack for a week of working away on the sunny isle (I hope),

Also thanks very much for all the stars and hearts that sent yesterdays castle into the popular page, much appreciated and sorry I am a little behind with comments. Will try to catch up

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