Where am I today 3?

This memorial to some of the men who died in World War I is in a really unusual place. The building that houses it is one of those that has a completely different use from what it was intended to be which might help you. People visiting this building (and they do in their 1000s daily) probably don't notice it, let alone stop to read and consider its implications. Their minds will be on different matters.

Reading it two things came to my mind. The London office didn't lose as many men as the Manchester office but that could be that the Manchester office was the larger in those days. But what really shocked me was the huge number of men and boys from just one company who died in that conflict. Imagine that being repeated in companies across the city and the rest of the country. The loss in human life is staggering.

I'm posting this as part of the campaign to bring to public notice the Manchester Curious Festival at the beginning of October. If you click on www.manchestercurious.com you can see some of the buildings you can visit but, as yet, you can't book. I'll post as soon as that is up and running.

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