
By DancingAly


We headed out to Windsor today. It was supposed to be for breakfast, but by the time we go there, it was time for lunch!

We had lunch at Bill's, and I was determined to stick to my diet, and opted for the soup, which turned out the be really good.

We had a browse round the shops, and looked at the castle. T was quite tired, as was I, and we drove home. Due to dog sharing duties, I decided not to stay at T's in London tonight, as had been the plan. He was a bit disappointed, and I felt really bad. Partly because I felt a bit anxious yesterday evening, and I felt the need to stay close to home. 

But once I was home, I decided I could go and visit him for a few hours, and still come home. So I packed up Little B and dropped him at Shelle's, and headed up there. I didn't get a chance to tell T, so I messaged him, and he was a little surprised! I was a bit nervous, but of course he wanted me to come, and I felt relieved!

I was home just after 11pm, and picked up B who had been an angel for Shelle. We went home, I had a nice bath, and then we went to bed around 1am. It was nice. 

My last night with Little B, I shall miss my little bed-mate! ;-)

* The extra pic is me, in my pink converse that had their first outing. A bit of an outfit mismatch I think! 

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