
By Veronica

Blue on blue

Can you believe the colour of that sky? This is the Transporter Bridge in Middlesbrough, which was opened on 17 October 1911, and is still in operation, transporting vehicles and passengers across the River Tees. It's surprisingly well-used -- in the half-hour we were there, it made four trips, each lasting about a minute! We popped across and back just for the experience. And the blipping of course.

The bridge is a very striking landmark, 259 metres long and 69 metres high. We took dozens of photos of both the bridge and Anish Kapoor's monumental sculpture, Temenos, which we could see in the distance. The bridge beat the sculpture hands-down for visual interest. I think we were looking at the sculpture from the wrong angle though -- have a look at this short BBC report for a better appreciation of the sculpture.

If you want to see the bridge actually working, there's a video here.

Edit: RichieBoo has of course blipped Temenos -- he even has a great shot with the Transporter Bridge here :)

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