Birthday Girl no2

Me and Dad went shopping for a present.. it didn't go well to say the least. It makes shopping with the mother glow by comparison. We drove allll the way up to Stoke ugh uh and walked in to the party late and were faced with a sea of elderly people.. even older than Mum and Dad. The buffet was very nice I'm going to list what I had (especially for  BVFL33 because she knows how much I love food)... pasta, potatoes, rice, a ham roll, salad, chicken on sticks and sausages mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Lots of people got up to take pictures of Auntie Julie and the band who played jolly music and looked completely depressed.. if I didn't use this photo I would've used the one of the band haha. Charlotte tried champagne and red wine and hated it and on the way home we played rap to Dad who threatened to be sick if we didnt turn it off haah.

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