
By kellynicol61

Oh what a tangled web

We have been having the best Labour day long week-end weather wise. It is so hot and sunny and I love it. I have been meaning to get up early and get some sunrise pics all summer and today I finally did it. Set my alarm for 5:30 and when it went off I really wanted to just go back to sleep, but I didn't:)
Walked over to the storm water pond and waited. It was so quiet and peaceful walking over there. I saw no one up and about. The water was so beautiful and the geese were so noisy! I guess morning is there loud time as I have been over there lots of times and never heard them like they were this morning. Maybe they were mad at me for intruding. It was foggy which made it even better. When the sun came up it was amazing. I am so glad I finally made it. I had such a hard time choosing which picture to use but I really like the web. I posted a couple of extras and there are a few more on Flickr.

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