Sitting in a wishin' hole Hoping it stays dry

I was absent without leave yesterday, and in lieu of a posting - a day's gone by post. 

I did not have a deprived childhood; far from it. 

I was surrounded by love, and affection and family and friends. 

What I did suffer from, was a mother who cared not a jot what she dressed me in. 

The reproduction of this photo does not do justice to the brown shoes, the red tights, the pink skirt and the green jumper.

She was not to blame for the lack of hair - what hair I have is short by nature.  The colour?  Inherited yes, colour questionable.  It just adds to the general clash of colour which was occurring. 

But I did have a scooter; and a pram; and perhaps, inside said pram was "Sara Bash".  Sara was just plain Sara until she sustained an irrecoverable accident while sitting too close to the fire. 

Childhood, who can beat it? 

I am currently watching four little lads playing on the grass outside shooting each other and "dying" in turn... they have some pretty dang authentic weapons.  I'm just waiting for them to notice me and shoot, so that I can display my amazing acting skills.

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