Iszi Bradley

By iszibradley

Travelling Home

Today was an unusual day, it started of normal by getting up and doing some shopping with Will. However mid afternoon I had a call from my mum asking me to come home. Jonathan's cornea had ruptured and she needed me at home. He needs to have it replaced so that he will keep his sight.
I left straight away and got on the road home, sometimes and inparticularly times like this is when I wished we all lived closer together so that I wouldn't have to travel as much. But I don't mind i needed to be home.
After my Mum and brother having a long day at the hospital the surgeons said they were unable to do the surgery today so would have to come home tomorrow morning.
So when they were on the way home I ordered Pizza for us and I spent the evening relaxing and praying that everything goes well.

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