Many of you know that I write and put up a Post-it Note somewhere every day and I have managed to put one up for 580 days without missing a day - since Lent 2014.  

We were encouraged at church to be more caring, generous, kind and less selfish, so I decided then that Lent wasn’t about giving things up, but about doing all those things and also making people think and perhaps even smile.  If you want to see all my Post-it Notes, have a look here.  Because I have done it for so long, sometimes when I go into a café, as I did yesterday with Mr. HCB, they even ask me for one of my Post-its!

Since Lent 2014, I have given away flowers, chocolate, done kind things like letting people go in front of me at the checkout, paid for someone’s coffee when I was in the queue in front of them in a coffee shop and other things too.  Most people will happily accept flowers or chocolates, but it is quite hard to get someone to accept you paying for a coffee, or even giving them some money, perhaps if they don't have the correct bus fare - I wonder why?

I was also fortunate to be the recipient of a cup of coffee on at least two occasions, when someone paid for mine - and of course, I accepted!

Anyway, a few weeks ago, I wrote to Pilot Pens, explained about my Post-it Notes and asked if they would be willing to send me some pens - these are quite expensive, but I have tried others, and they just don’t “cut the mustard” or look as good.  I have had several email communications with a lovely lady named Jacqui and this morning, a package arrived and I was DELIGHTED to find it contained not one or two but TEN lovely pens.

So here they are, in all their glory - with several Post-it Notes, written with my new pens,  ready and waiting to be put up somewhere today - or, on second thoughts, perhaps I should send one to Pilot Pens as a Thank You note - and also to Post-It Notes, who also kindly sent me several packs of Post-its.

The canvas of life
     is waiting…..
for some bright colours - 
     why not add some shades of
                    Peace and
to it today?

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