Watching The Wheels

We went to Leamington today so that I could buy a nice new lens from the Camera shop there. Then we had some lunch and after that the plan was for me to wander around the shops while LooseCanon went to a hospital appointment ( no nothing serious) at Warwick hospital . He got there only to find that he was in the wrong clinic and should have been at Stratford hospital ten or so miles away. By the time he had come back and picked me up we were rather late but luckily he was straight in and out giving me just enough time to walk round to the bike shop where I had had my bike serviced last week while we were away. So I lost out on my shopping session, but gained my bike, all spruced up with new bits and pieces, and cured of the irritating clunk it has always had.
The picture, for Tiny Tuesday, is of my lovely shiny new tyre taken with my shiny new lens.
Extra is shiny clean cassette

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